Nurseries and Schools
Children’s Ark Day Nursery
Papworth Hall, Ermine St S, Papworth Everard, Cambridge. CB23 3RD
01480 831200
Children's Ark Day Nursery
Church Lane Day Nursery
Church Lane Day Nursery
Church Lane, Papworth Everard, Cambridgeshire. Cb23 3QN
01480 830320
Pendragon Pre-School
Pendragon Pre-School is part of the Pendragon Community Primary School, and operates from The Daisy Children’s Centre (on the site of the PCPS)
The Pre-School aims to ease the transition into Primary School with their team of dedicated and experienced staff.

Daisy Children’s Centre, Varrier Jones Drive, Papworth Everard, CB23 3XQ
01480 839076
Pendragon Pre-School
Pendragon Community Primary School
Learning, caring, fun and sharing.
Pendragon Community Primary School aims to provide a stimulating, happy and safe environment where children can learn, grow and develop through strong positive partnerships with parents and the wider community.
A recent Ofsted Report stated that “This is a good school. Pupils leave as confident and polite young people who are well prepared for their next stage of education” (June 2012).
The school welcomes visits. A telephone call prior to your visit can ensure that someone is available to show you around the school.

Varrier Jones Drive, Papworth Everard, Cambridgeshire. CB23 3XQ.
01480 830267