Cambourne: 01954 710700

For Children

Play Area

The Play Area has a large range of equipment. It includes a fenced off play area with grass and a rubberised safety surface, and a variety of wooden play equipment outside of this area.

The Play Area is situated next to Caldecote’s recreation grounds.


Highfields Caldecote Recreation Ground, Strympole Way, Highfields Caldecote, Cambridgeshire. CB23

Children's play equipment
Cricket ground

Recreation Ground

-3 Mini Football Pitches

-1 Cricket Pitch

-2 Tennis Courts

-Informal MUGA and grass kick about area


Highfields Caldecote Recreation Ground, Strympole Way, Highfields Caldecote, Cambridgeshire. CB23

Recreation Ground and Play Area

Caldecote Cubs and Scouts

Caldecote Cubs and Scouts provides the chance for children (together with enthusiastic parents) to have little or big adventures together. The group is for boys and girls aged from 8 1/2 (Cubs) through to an upper age limit of 14 for Scouts.  We involve many local families and a large proportion of the village’s children in this age range.  We are popular!We generally operate at capacity but spaces do come up from time to time.  To get more information please visit the group’s website


Cubs and scouts smiling

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